1. 州担保职业清单(SNOL)列表新增职业
232413 multimedia designer
272413 translator
312511 mechanical engineering draftsperson
324311 vehicle painter
362411 nurseryperson
2. 补充职业清单(SSL)列表新增以下职业:
131114 public relations manager
132411 policy and planning manager
133112 project builder
133612 procurement manager
134211 medical administrator
134412 regional education manager
139915 sports administrator
141211 caravan park and camping ground manager
149111 amusement centre manager
149912 cinema or theatre manager
149914 financial institution branch manager
223111 human resource adviser
223113 workplace relations adviser
224412 policy analyst
224912 liaison officer
225112 market research analyst
234311 conservation officer
234915 exercise physiologist
242211 vocational education teacher
251311 environmental health officer
271214 intellectual property lawyer
272611 community arts worker
家庭儿童护理员(Home Child Care Provider)和家庭帮助工人(Home Support Worker)试点将于2019年6月18日开放申请,取代即将到期的照顾小孩(Caring for Children)和照顾高医疗需求人士(Caring for People with High Medical Needs)的试点项目。